TransferGo for Business


The new improvements and updates in the sphere of technologies, access of people to the electronic and virtual world, and difficult situations like Covid-19 made people think about their financial issues more than before. The problem of sending and making a payment to different places and countries, today is more than before and made people worry. In this short article, we will write about TransferGo as one of the best platforms for solving these issues and making life more easy for their customers around the world.

TransferGo & Its Services

Briefly to say, what TransferGo is offering to users is somehow counted as a unique service. TransferGo is providing services in case of making a payment or better to say, transfer money to anywhere and at any time; it can be other countries or the same city. More than 160 countries are under the cover by this platform and more than 2 million customers are using this platform currently. The unique point about this platform is about choices that it makes available for their online users; customers can choose how much money they want to send and by when, so in this case they will choose the delivery fees by themself. The transactions can happen between 30 minutes, in today and in tomorrow time with the different fees. Also after filling up the receiver’s details, bank or card details or actually email address, users will be able to choose the way to make a payment that can happen by bank transfer, credit/debit cards or Google or Apple pay. After these steps, with the TransferGo’s mobile app, users will be able to track their money in the transfer process.

TransferGo for Business

With all services and features mentioned above, we can understand that this platform can be a good choice not just for individuals, but also small or medium businesses can use these services and gain benefits from it. Shortly, TransferGo for Business is offering saving time and paying less fees for money transfers for businesses. Businesses will be able to make their transfers worldwide in less than 30 minutes, paying less fees and using perfect exchange rates and the most important point, businesses will be able to make a payment for more than 50 suppliers or salaries just with one action in this online platform. Also they can track their transfer and share the link with the receiver so both sides will be able to observe the process of transactions. TransferGo is also working very well between businesses and freelancers; it made easy the connection between these two groups. Should be noted that the customer service of TransferGo is always available in different languages and fast answering to their online users.


Definitely, the issue of transferring money to different countries is one of the most important issues for people nowadays; However with online platforms like TransferGo, as mentioned above, people can simply and quickly make their transaction to different countries and pay less fees.

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