Why You Need to Wear Yoga Clothes That Are Made of Organic Cotton
Whilst the clothes worn for yoga practice can be form-fitting, they are not tight. Instead, pants, for instance, conform to your body, yet are relaxing to wear. The same holds true for tees, muscle shirts, and tanks. When making a selection for cotton yoga clothes then, make sure the apparel is made of 100% organic cotton.
Why Organic Cotton Is Better
Organic cotton is used for yoga clothing because it is believed to be softer than traditional cotton and is not grown using chemicals. As a result, wearers suffer less from allergies. The material also lessens the risk of respiratory difficulties and conveys a pleasant scent.
Unfortunately, clothes made of conventional cotton are not entirely safe. That is because cotton crops account for a sizable amount of pesticide and insecticide use in the world. Plus, the cotton is only grown on approximately three percent of the world’s cultivated space. That is because conventional cotton is frequently beset with a number of diseases, including bacterial blight, bollworm, crown gall, and white fly, just to name a few.
Growing Organic Cotton Is Good for the Environment
The excess use of pesticides and insecticides for growing cotton also leads to higher levels of environmental pollution. However, when organic cotton is grown for use in yoga clothes, the quality of the soil improves as does the condition of the surrounding water. Biodiversity is conserved as well.
Therefore, when choosing clothes for yoga class, make sure the tops and tees are made of organic cotton. Organic cotton also saves lives, as harvesters of conventional cotton are sometimes poisoned from the chemicals that are used.
An Affordable Plant to Produce
On the other hand, organic cotton does not lead to any health problems for a farmer or members of his family. Plus, organic cotton is not expensive to produce as the plant is not prone to attack by pests. Organic cotton only costs slightly more than regular cotton to cultivate and use.
What Makes a Cotton Organic?
Instead of the use of chemicals, farmers who grow organic cotton use non-toxic methods. Weeding machines are used, as are beneficial insects. Therefore, for cotton to qualify as organic, it must not be grown using pesticides, and must be fertilised without the use of sewer sludge or commercial fertilisers.
What You Wear Is Just as Important as What You Practice
Again, cotton crops that use chemicals can be unsafe, as some of the top pesticides used are considered carcinogenic. Therefore, the health of a harvester or wearer of cotton can be compromised. Not only that, but regular cotton, when manufactured and processed, may be treated with chlorine beach, sizing agents, or metal dyes. So, the use of pesticides, insecticides, and these chemicals can ultimately impact people’s health and degrade the environment.
When you practice yoga then, you want to concentrate on your health, both physically and mentally. That is why the clothes you choose must be produced with a cotton that falls into the guidelines of the yoga practice. Do no settle for anything less than 100% organic cotton when selecting yoga tanks and tees.