Your Style Speaks your Personality Thus Make an Impressive Statement
Did you know that the kind of dress you wear the type of hair you set and the accessories you wear all depict your nature and personality? Have you ever observed that when you are tired or depressed, you wear dull colour clothes with bare minimum make up and sometimes you avoid your lenses and go with your same old eye glasses? On the contrary, on a bright sunny day when you’re all charged up, you take your time in getting dressed up with vibrant clothes and best accessories.
Hence, it is true that the way you get dressed up will depict not only your personality, but also your mood. It is also true that not in every situation, you get another chance to impress someone. Therefore, the way you carry yourself will help you make a charming statement of your personality. Dresses can be decided depending upon the occasion, if it formal or casual. However, jewellery should complement your attire in the best way so that when you walk on the carpet, you are able to get attention.
There are numerous sorts of jewellery available in different kinds of metals. Some also prefer gemstones like ruby, sapphire and pearls instead of metal. Pearl is considered a romantic and feminine style, and those who know its elegance and charm will always wear it in right manner. If you want to explore best designs in pearl, then click on this link that will direct you to the best store in Australia, PearlsOnly.
Here is some general information on identifying people and their characteristics with the jewellery they wear –
- Those who wear big earrings, hanging or loose necklaces with extravagant rings often seem to be bubbly and socially active person. Their vibrant and cheerful personalities draw people’s attention and are often surrounded by people.
- Those who are nature lovers will wear anything that ids obtained from nature like turquoise earrings, shell necklaces etc. the colours are generally matching the earthy shades like green, blue, brown or beige etc.
- People who are clam, traditional and family oriented will often wear jewellery that is simple as well as elegant like, pearl.
- People who are balanced, organized, neat and speak with grace often wear matching set of jewellery.
- People who wear antique pieces or vintage accessories don’t care about the brand. They are more into art then style.
Bold and elegant styles are important in everyone’s life. If elegant style is perfect for formal occasions, bold style is appropriate for parties and friend’s outing. No matter what you wear, you should be comfortable in it.